
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

San Diego (chapter 4)

You could call it an adventure. I personally would call it the "missing the midnight bus because you decided to stop and play guitar on a highway overpass for an hour, only to find that you can either: walk 5 miles back to downtown, hail a cab, or inner-city hitchhike" story. I tried choice three, but ended up with choice one, and let me tell ya, northeast San Diego is not exactly scenic, particularly from 12 to 3 in the morning.

The worst part was that I had caught the bus to this area of town to try to play at Lestat Coffee Shop's open mic night. Instead, I watched 30 other guitar players and listened to them explain what this song means and how it makes them feel when they sing it. I don't know why their explanations were all different, because their songs all sounded the same. Ok, ok. I will be punished for that negativity. Its bogus anyway, because many of them were very very good. Some of them I will hopefully continue to follow. I am just bitter because I was drawn to play only as an alternate.

Tonight ends my San Diego adventure, and I am ready for an end. This is not a city I hope to come back to for any long stretch of time. I did meet some good people though. Hopefully I learned something fundamentally universal, or universally fundamental.

It is off to Los Angeles to P&C with my ol' pal Maddy Claeys for a few. I wonder how the weather is.

1 comment:

Terahertz Technology said...

Stor glede vi snakke på skype kveld. Vær forsiktig, ute sent på kvelden vandre i dårlig områder!