
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Flagstaff, AZ (dos)

Played at Charly's Open Mic Night last night. You know, my only beef was that nooobody was paying attention to the performers, and the shittier part is that almost everyone in there was a performer themselves. I can understand to some degree, you may have these guys who play the same songs there EVERY week and it gets a bit tiring, or you are trying to impress your date at the bar or something. Other than that, this attitude is what separates a conducive, artistic gathering and just another place to play. I can play in the bathroom of this hostel. Anyways, I liked all of the acts, thought they were quite dope, and it was nice because mostly everyone played original stuff (or just didn't admit to covering someone else's stuff). I played OK, a guy came up to me afterward and said he liked it and told me about another open mic that is going on tonight, well actually this very moment.

I am signed up to play in 45 minutes. It is a 30 minute set, which is longer than I usually play. I am definitely going to have to pull out some tricks from the past. I have to conjure the ghosts of my college nights by the fire pit in my backyard. This should be interesting. This open mic is cool because they gave me coups for 2 free drinks. I gave them away though, not feeling like drinking tonight (gasp!).

Sorry for the very "open mic night" intensive post. It does not reveal the entire reflection of my current stance in the galaxy. For example, I did burpees in the grass outside of some apartment complex today and this afternoon I listened to an older gal attempt to persuade me (somewhat subtly) into buying an R.V. with her and traveling across the country. She believes I am desirable because I studied mechanical engineering. Perhaps she desires the beard. I also found out that a relative of mine is running for government office here in Flagstaff. Check it out:

1 comment:

Terahertz Technology said...

glad you didn't buy the RV, and found gigs to play, carry on my buckaroo!