
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Denver (2)

Every aspiring artist has certain important, yet common, checkpoints they reach through their journey. For the lowly bar/coffee shop/open mic playing musician, one of these checkpoints is "drunk guy coming on stage uninvited to sing with you". I am not too proud to apologize for this particular performance of this song, I don't care for it. I do like the drunk guy's parts (he makes his first appearance saying "I'm gonna be your fan" right after the first guitar note and then in the second verse).

Mr. Simon is tossing and turning in agony, without knowing why, each time one of you plays the file below.

"Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes" (Paul Simon) - Mia's Lounge, Flagstaff AZ

Overall, my 30 minutes of poorly representing other peoples' music, and a few of my own numbers, was fun and a good experience. There were these 3 full-sized dogs that sat, played, and walked around on the stage with me as I was playing. Plus the drunk guy on a few songs.

At the Denver Public Library and appreciating it greatly. I am in my happy place right now.


Terahertz Technology said...

no place like the happy place- makes me happy to hear you are there.

Daisy said...
