
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yankee Doodle Bridge (1)

On my way to Boston. That is where The Pixies are from I'm pretty sure. My cousin Kirsten is there, so this should be a riot. Members of descent from the larger, more developed branches of the tree I grow are all leafy and wooden just like me. Riot.

I just crossed the Yankee Doodle Bridge as I ride the Megabus from NY. At long last, a great bus service! I had heard of this Megabus company back when they were getting big in Europe and just starting in the U.S. What's cool about them is, if you book early enough (and the ads will no doubt tell you this as well), you can get tickets for $1. I am paying $13 vs. $18 on the Greyhound, and Megabus is far better. The only problem is that Megabus is only in the Northeast quarter of the U.S.

What a time in NY. Thanks of course to J and KD for their times. We had such a times. I won't soon forget it, and I hope they remember how to speak proper English, because we have been straight silly all week.


Terahertz Technology said...

silly talk with pals is good..

Daisy said...

have fun in boston!