
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Boston (tres)

I will tell you that I snapped back to consciousness as I was trying to unlock the door to my cousin's apartment building with the waist string of my shorts. I found myself locked out, outside of the apartment building at 3 or so in the morning, no shoes, and no glasses. I contemplated walking all night until the day came, but I chickened out and woke my cousin with the doorbell instead.This is your sleep walking brain on beer. Kids, don't do this at home.

Today I explored the MIT campus. I planned on attending a seminar on microbots, but, again, I chickened out. Otherwise, it is the usual "covering the yet covered streets" before I take off tomorrow. Catching the Amtrak early in the morning. Boston was a wonderful place, majorly thanks to the college kids, the Big Dig, and my hosts. I tell you, I know how to pick these hosts. All of the people who have allowed me to consume their couch over the last months have been nothing short of heroes for me. My cousin Kirsten and her husband Andrew are certainly no exception. I would like to think I will see them again soon. I wish I could do all of my recent travels all over again, but I imagine I have a problem with those yet uncovered streets out there.

I have decided to take a break from the blogging. I have enjoyed very much condensing and filtering my true thoughts into what I hope has been a palpable journal entry for you. However, I am undecided on the value of the blog to my long term plans. Just know that I am, and always will be, far away from you doing my best to be myself, or a lot closer to you than you realize doing my best to better my concept of myself. Thank you for reading this as far as you have. If you need to get a hold of me, I am sure you already know how.

Russell Knudson


Karen said...

I'll miss your blog :(

Terahertz Technology said...

I enjoyed your net touching my net. safe travels my good, good guy

shirley reaves said...

Aw Russ, say it ain't so. Unbeknowst to you, I've been a follower of your blog. You are a great writer provoking a lot of smiles....... I hear you will be down this way around Easter. Always welcome! Ms. Shirley

AJ Street said...

Safe travels Russ...may you find the urge to write again in the future...

Mat Lujan said...

Nooo! Russ say it isn't so. Great blog or blahg. Be safe and I hope to see you sometime.

Unknown said...

Your posts are one of my favorite parts of the day, so one day I hope you return to the blogosphere with your unending badassitude