
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Da Big Ol Apples (for-seven)

Last full day and night in the NYC. I spent it with my good ol' pals. I was fortunate enough to attend the first tasting of a new brewery's first beer today. Warm Belly Brews (c) from Brooklyn had a tasting of their first beer, "Winter Britches". It was pretty darn good and we believe the beer to have medicinal qualities that are lacking in other beers (which is right around none), but this was not proven theoretically or experimentally.

The final dinner tonight, was created by chef Justin Mac, not to distinguish it from the many wonderful dinners that I experienced here. Many of my favorite vegetables, legumes, sugars and spices were converted in this past week into the me that I am today. After dinner, Katie and I worked on an inside pocket for my guitar case. She did most of the work, but if you peeked in at the right moments, you could find me sewing and listening to the Rolling Stones "Exile on Main Street" album. I imagine the Rolling Stones and sewing are an appropriately balanced diet.

For some of your future references, here is how to tell if your infestation of "couch bum" has matured:
From Da Big Ol Apples
Day 1
Day 7

From Da Big Ol Apples

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