
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Santa Cruzing, USA (pt 6)

Song: "Heretic Pride" - The Mountain Goats
Food: Salad and beer

Where did my Sunday go? I discovered this CouchSurfing.com thing, so I believe I spent more time with it then necessary. Trying to spend more time in Cali then I had originally planned in order to line up my destinations properly, so I sent some messages to a few folks in Monterrey CA asking if their couch was single and ready to mingle.

I have been making my cousin Andi a playlist of music tonight. I am going for the more obscure stuff as her and I have covered the popular stuff we both know by heart. It is next to useless to share details of this kind of thing, so I will not. I will make you a playlist too though, if you want me to, just axe me.

Going back through this much music makes me miss many of you terribly, but I have a big day tomorrow and no time to tell you about that. Short post, but not as short as J Robert Oppenheimer.


Unknown said...


Russ said...

Stu, check your e-mail.