
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Santa Cruzing, USA (pt 3)

Song: "The Way It Is/Changes" Bruce Hornsby/2pac
Food: Thrifty Ice Cream, located inside Rite-Aid Pharmacy

I went to the bank three times today. That is two times too many in a week, and four times too many in a month, but I made it through. Bank of America does not even have the free lollipops, what a jip, especially when you know that the overly made-up 22 year old gal working the service desk is not going to like the garlic on your breath and you want to stare deep enough into her eyes until you know that she can be convinced to run away with you and stop wearing all that make up and get to talking about books and fires and stars and sing harmonies with you.

Andi B and her buddy Doug took me on a tour of Capitola, CA. Cool place, probably best for vacationing or the like, but we saw some interesting things. For example, we went into a Thomas Kinkade gallery. It was hilarious, the guy working the place was a total Kinkadian apostle man it was funny. He was telling us about his buddy Thomas's birthday and showing us pictures of Mr. Kinkade painting the original of this painting (which was the reproduction of a duplicate which was a duplicate of a print which was a print of a recreation).

I played my second open mic tonight at a coffee shop slash anarchist library. Traded pieces of myself for pieces of others. I kept very little from most, and wanted more from others. I played the song listed above and another of my own, with good reception, I'm happy about it.
Thanks for listening. New pictures uploaded, old pictures remembered.

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