
Just my thoughts, travels, stories, pictures, all inter-netted together. My net touches your net.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amarillo by mornin' (Bside)

Guess who just received a make-over.
My number one companion, GENETA, my guitar, also known as "the zombie stunner" and Queen Frog Splash, that's who.

I started about a week ago, and have had to lug around my various tools and treats to finish the job. It took some serious ~12 hours of sanding by hand (the only way I would allow myself to potentially desecrate my mother's 2006 present to me) and a few interesting sessions of applying furniture lacquer. This was definitely not a week long project, but at the moment I feel comfortable (lazy) enough to take the "gentle persistence" approach to all important tasks. The end result is not too shabby, a few defective spots in the lacquer and some areas you can tell that I had no idea how to use sand paper. Oh ya, and there is a beard hair frozen in the lacquer somewhere, which I did not intentionally do, but I am glad it happened.

From Amarillo by mornin'
From Amarillo by mornin'
I am happy with the finished product and excited to devote my newly freed "time" to other vital issues such as: train myself to open eyes under salt water, play the Foreign Exchange market, and rewind cassette tapes with my mind. Ya, and look for cool cities with wind power jobs. I think my pal Justin looks forward to the day his apartment doesn't smell like melted furniture and sweat. It's going to be a while.

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